
We love doing EDUCATIONAL TOURS focused on our broken food system, ecological/ regenerative farming with animals, green building techniques, passive and active solar systems, homesteading techniques, greenhouse design and/ or operation, traditional cooking, etc. ​​​​​​​​​​Please call or e-mail Alice to schedule a tour. We charge $150 for tours with Alice for groups of up to 25 and are happy to cater to your needs.  For a less expensive option including but not limited to KID/ CUTE ANIMAL TOURS, please consider doing a tour with a member of our staff on a weekend. We have awesome and very knowledgeable staff who would love to make a little money on the side. Please consider hiring one of them for $75 for either an educational, cute animal, or whatever other kind of tour you may be interested in. 

We are currently fully staffed.

We have staff living and eating on the farm with us for a  full immersion in our style of farming. 2 years of farming or restaurant experience along with a strong body, an inquisitive mind, an enthusiasm for local meats, fruits and vegetables and a desire to get your hands dirty are required, along with a good match with our mission, values and lifestyle.

Please understand that due to the limited number of positions available on the farm and the nature of our work and products we do not accept vegetarians. (It's hard for us to share meals with them as we use our lard as our primary cooking fat as we both have a plethora of it and believe it to be far superior both nutritionally and flavor wise to any vegetable fat we have ever tried.)

Thanks for your interest in our farm!

Visiting/ Tours

Karel and Alice Starek