"The concept of conviviality is the heart of the Slow Food movement: taking pleasure in the processes of cooking, eating, and sharing meals with others.”

From the Slow Food USA website.

The idea of Slow Food began in response to the first McDonald's  restaurant opened in Rome, Italy in 1986.  Italian Journalist, Carlo Petrini organized a local response claiming, "we don't want fast food, we want slow food." 

The Golden Hoof is our response to the growing disconnect between food and people in our culture.  For us, Slow Food is both a process and a product. We believe in eating food that is tasty, clean, and fair; grown in harmony with nature by people who love growing food. We take the same intentionality with what we grow on our farm as what we serve on our table.  These choices have made positive changes in our lives and we hope to pass this along to our customers. 

Slow Food

How Slow Food works on our Farm:

It's About the Soil

Food Sovereignty

What We Grow